• Polyglot

    Translation Bureau and Foreign Language Courses

    All types of translations - professionally!

Dear Customers!

We invite you to take advantage of the services rendered by the professional translation bureau.

Especially for you we work round the clock (24/7). We offer you our translation services to translate any information into many languages of the world. We render translation services PROFESSIONALLY.

PROFESSIONALLY means skillfully! We have been trying to follow this principle for more than 14 years.

Now our services include not only written and oral translations. We also offer our services in mastering foreign languages (individually, in mini-groups and for corporate clients).


About the company

Polyglot Translation Bureau has existed at the translation service market since 2005. During the period of our existence we have managed to considerably expand the spheres of our activity and increase in the number of our services! New professional translators, technical and copy editors, proofreaders as well as tutors have joined our team.

We provide high quality and fast translation of any information. Besides we adhere to the strict confidential policy, and you should not worry that your information will be disclosed to the third parties.

Why Polyglot Translation Bureau and Foreign Language Courses? Those for whom a professional approach to business is important, who appreciate time and want qualified experts to be involved in the performance of works choose us.

If you chose us you are not mistaken. We are the team you need!



- legal;

- technical;

- medical and other highly specialized translations;

- test and term papers;

- translation of websites;

- translation of standard documents (marriage certificates, birth certificates etc.) with or without notarial certification, certification by the translation bureau.

Written translations suppose attraction of translators who are specialized in certain subjects, in a certain field of business activity. After the work has been performed by a translator an editor and a proofreader will finalize this translation. A team of translators performs big volumes of works in order to meet a deadline, develops glossaries and observes terminology (the glossaries can be given to a customer if required).

ORAL TRANSLATIONS (consecutive and simultaneous)

- language support for delegations;

- translation services for exhibitions, conferences, presentations, excursions;

- language support at the notary’s office;

- language support in another city.

Oral translations (interpretation) suppose attraction of translators for the performance of consecutive and simultaneous interpretations. The order for such a type of translation should be placed 2-3 days prior to the beginning of the event. The following information shall be provided:

- language required;

- date, time and venue of the event;

- specificity of the event;

- materials for preparation.


- European languages;

- basic, intensive and business courses;

- testing;

- classes for corporate clients;

- Skype classes.


Language Written translation, price for one translation page of finished translation (1800 characters including spaces) Oral translation, price per 1 hour
Russian, Ukrainian 50* 60** 70*** 400****
English 140 150 160 650
Spanish, Italian, German, Polish, French 160 170 180 800
Other languages Contractual price (to be specified by the manager)

one translation page contains 1800 characters including spaces and punctuation marks.

a minimum order for oral translation - 2 hours

* translation price for unspecialized texts

** translation price for specialized texts (legal, technical, economic, etc.)

*** translation price for the texts with increased complexity (banking, aviation, medicine and telecommunication, etc.)

**** a minimum price is specified for oral unspecialized translation that does not require special knowledge from a translator. One hour of translator’s work is considered to be a unit for estimation of oral translation. If a translator’s work does not exceed one hour, this work shall be paid as for two working hours.

Translation price can increase in such cases:

  1. Time-frame for translations:
    1. 1–5 pages – 1–2 working days;
    2. 6– 20 pages – 3– 5 working days;
    3. 21– 50 pages – 4– 8 working days;
    4. if a volume of work is more than 50 pages the terms are calculated in view of 8 pages per day + proofreading;
    5. hot orders are double paid.
  2. Translation of standard documents: certificates (birth certificates, marriage certificates, certificates from housing offices, police clearance certificates, salary verification certificates, etc.), diplomas (without academic transcripts) - from 100 UAH depending on a language.
  3. The cost of translation includes computer typing, proofreading, printing (1 copy), an electronic copy of translation.
  4. The price list contains prices in terms of UAH including all taxes.

While translating standard documents a customer shall provide passport spelling of names and surnames to avoid making a mistake.

Notarial certification of translations:

Cost of notarial certification - from 150 UAH per document depending on a translation language;

Translation services at the notary’s office - 600 UAH per one hour (minimum order - 2 hours).

Certification by the translation bureau - 25 UAH


Language Price for classes (UAH) For a group of 2 persons and more For corporate clients
English 250 350 Contractual price (to be specified by the manager)
Spanish, Italian, German, Polish, French 350 450
Skype classes Contractual price (to be specified by the manager)

* price for 1 academic hour (45 minutes)

** price for 2 academic hours (90 minutes)

The course of not less than 8 classes (1 month) shall be paid when signing the contract. When signing the contract for a longer period the discounts are provided.

Learn the cost of translations and language courses from the manager!


10-й юбилейный форум «Translation Forum Russia»

Вот и закончился 10-й юбилейный форум «Translation Forum Russia», крупное событие в переводческом мире. Нашу компанию на форуме, который проходил в Российском государственном педагогическом университете им. Герцена, представляла ведущий переводчик, директор Бюро переводов и курсов иностранных языков «Полиглот» Ольга Парфимович.



Отношения между бюро переводов и переводчиками иногда складываются довольно-таки своеобразно. Чего ожидают бюро переводов от переводчиков, а переводчики от бюро переводов? Давайте попробуем разобраться, хотя бы по нескольким аспектам, можно ли сохранить принцип «И волки сыты, и овцы целы».
